Engagement is the stage of a personwhen heading to the marriage level. Fiance means binding a relationship beforethe contract. Various cultures in different parts of the world mostly use thering as a sign of engagement between men and women. Then, how the law to useengagement ring according to Islamic perspective? The term and culture offiance is not derived from Muslim culture but derives from non-Muslim culture.islam teaches to preach a woman to a man before committing a marriage ceremonywithout using a ring in other words there is no engagement term in Islam. Thedefinition of khittbah is summarized by Mahmud Al-Mashri (2011: 289) ie askinga woman in a manner and media commonly known by the community.  
Before entering the core of thediscussion, of course we already know that the legal haram of a man using aring made of gold, because most of the engagement ring is made of gold. We knowthat in the engagement process there is the exchange of ringing by the groom tothe bride, the bride to the bridegroom of course it allows them to touch eachother's hand is in Islam it is not justified.
Then the question arises, what ifthe rings are not made of gold? Is it allowed to be engaged if using a ringthat is not made of gold? But even so when the installation of both rings akaslaing barsentuhan? So we better avoid it. Because some argue that theengagement procession is a tradition of the unbelievers and Christians. WhileProphet Muhammad SAW said "Whoever menyey a group then they belong to thefaction of the group". Naudzubillah ... Based on the above exposition wecan conclude that there is no special prohibition for engagement and engagementof an engagement engagement but we do know that fiance is not isam culture butculture aum kafird an Christian. By that, it is better to avoid it and toengage in the things that cause us to fall into real error. Let us togetheravoid the actions that are forbidden by Allah and repair ourselves so that webecome a group of people who are lucky on the Day of Judgment. Amen
So, the author in this case stillhave a lot to learn so if something goes wrong in this paper please to conveycriticism and suggestion, the authors say thank you.

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