A message from the Secretary General on the International Volunteer Day 2011

Dear brother and sister Scouts,

Warm greetings on the occasion of International Volunteer Day 2011!

Volunteering has always been at the core of the Scout Movement since its inception over a century ago. This has been reflected in our constantly improving system to train, support and reward volunteers over the years, from local to global levels of the Movement. Even today, WOSM is one of the very few organizations working with children and youth, which is almost entirely driven by volunteer contributions and efforts.
In recent years we have seen other NGOs and multilateral organizations gathering momentum to encourage and support volunteering in various spheres and domains. World Scouting, in its responsibility towards the Vision of contributing to ‘Creating a Better World’ is happy to join such dunia initiatives in support of volunteering while continuing to emphasize on its importance within our own organization.
Recalling the UN General Assembly resolution 63/153 (18 December 2008) on the follow-up to the implementation of the International Year of Volunteers, and the commemoration of its tenth anniversary, the World Organization of Scout Movement (WOSM) is one of the biggest volunteers based organizations in the world, involving men and women as leaders from a broad cross-section of society and supporting millions of young people, handling them and leading them in activities and projects. During the last 100 years and more, our Organization has demonstrated the importance of youth participation and intergenerational cooperation to cope with many issues and challenges. We are proud to be a part of this big family, proud to be leaders contributing to creating a better world.
In our last World Scout Conference in Brazil in January 2011, a new World Adults in Scouting Policy was adopted. We hope this key policy will help to improve volunteering in Scouting, reinforcing the area of volunteer management, reaching out and involving adults from all segments of society, inspiring better recognition of volunteers, not only within our Organization, but also in the wider community and the society in general. WOSM will continue to support global efforts for better recognition, networking and promotion of volunteering worldwide. We strongly believe that volunteering contributes to human development and results in peace at local, national, regional and dunia levels; and call on Governments to integrate volunteering fully into their development programmes and initiatives that offer opportunities to build strong and cohesive volunteer coalitions built around shared goals.
As an organization, WOSM will continue with our efforts to create an enabling environment for individuals to engage in volunteer activities and promote the well-being of volunteers. We will continue to explore ways to expand the involvement of the private sector to support volunteering (Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR), and to welcome new initiatives like e-volunteering. Today WOSM aims to be the first global intergenerational organization, where millions of our volunteers are in fact young adults some of whom are serving the Scout Movement as volunteers, but an incredible number of them are working directly with their communities and are serving them on a daily basis. These young adults are having a substantial impact in the daily life of people belonging to those communities. We need to continue and improve this aspect of our Movement which we call Rover Scouting. We also need to tell more people about such success stories.
I count on your continued support and once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for your invaluable services so far.
Yours in Scouting,
Luc Panissod
Secretary General
World Organization of the Scout Movement

Source: Scout.org

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