Action learning in practice

Training Commissioners, 40 of them from 20 countries and 23 national Scout and Guide associations met for the third time from 13 to 15 January 2011. The aim of the Meeting was to offer a motivating and informative opportunity for experts in the field of volunteering and youth leaders pembinaan to share experiences and learn from each other.
Three key topics chosen for the Meeting were:
  • Implementing new Training Systems
  • Quality of training
  • Woodbadge courses
One full day was used for intensive work, practicing action learning method, which appeared to be a good tool.
Much more topics was discussed the next day, in an open-space setting, including measuring impact of pelatihan, transferability of pelatihan, evaluation of trainers, and others.
Magyar Cserkészszövetség (Hungarian Scout Association) was an excellent host, and the European Youth Centre Budapest was as always a perfect venue for such an event.

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