

February 22nd marks the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell the founder of the Scout Movement. Coincidentally, B-P (born in 1857) and his wife Olave Baden-Powell (born in 1889), shared the same birthday.

Nearly all National Scout Associations throughout the world, celebrate this day as « Founder's Day ». It is considered a special day, as well as an opportunity to learn more about BP's life and his work. His Writings remain inspiring to many and incredibly on phase with our times.

If you want to find out more about B-P please click on the following links.

B-P - Chief Scout of the World

Our founder's biography in chronological order

B-P - Four stages in his Life

An Admirable Madman - The Hero - The Educator - The man of peace

B-P Gallery

B-P's artworks and pictures.

B-P's Writing

To buy books from or about B-P you may also visit ScoutStore

B-P's Quotes

B-P's quotes on Scouting and the environment.

B-P's Last Message

B-P prepared a farewell message to his Scouts, for publication after his death.

Who is this man?

A small video to download and display on this occasion

B-P's Video Message: Thank you all

A small video to download and display on this occasion.

Thank you all.
ScoutStore – the official World Scout Shop

A collection of items to our founder's effigy.

February 22nd is also celebrated by Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world as World Thinking Day or just Thinking Day. It is a day to think about the meaning of Guiding and Scouting and about other countries and cultures.

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