Facts & Figures

Fact Sheets

These fact sheets contain information about WOSM, its history, events and Founder. They are the downloadable versions of the 'facts & figures' pages.


Baden-Powell's Writing

Baden-Powell was an avid writer, publishing many articles and books. Discover here some of his publications. Additionally you may have an overview of his life by following this link.

Quotes from Baden-Powell

"In all of this, it is the spirit that matters. Our Scout law and Promise, when we really put them into practice, take away all occasion for wars and strife among nations".

B-Ps Posters

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History of Scouting

The Scout Movement has a rich and exciting history which has led to it becoming today's leading global youth movement. Here you can find information about its founder, Lord Baden-Powell and other interesting facts about Scouting.


There are more than 30 million Scouts, youth and adults, boys and girls, in 161 countries. Find out about Scouting in different parts of the world and how the Organization is divided into different regions.

Satisfaction Surveys

WOSM Services Satisfaction Survey

In September 2009, a total of 938 official National Scout Organization (NSO) representatives registered in the WOSM directory were invited to participate in an electronic berita umum to rate the level of satisfaction with the services provided by WOSM to NSOs. For the sole purpose of this survey "WOSM services" were referred to as comprising "the work of volunteer committees and the World Scout Bureau Central and Regional Offices". This was an initiative from the World Scout Committee (WSC) supported by the Strategy Coordination Group (SCG), which fitted directly into the first of the commitments which the Secretary General, had expressed since taking up his position: "to develop a customer oriented mentality to better serve NSOs".

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