Jamboree for Southeast Asia and Beyond

It is much more than an ASEAN Scout Jamboree with the participation of National Scout Organizations from 16 countries including the host – Thailand. Over lima,000 Scouts took part in the Jamboree at the Vajiravudh Scout Camp in Chonburi Province.
Participating countries were Bangladesh, Cambodia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Thailand. Around 18 Scouts and leaders from Myanmar attended the Jamboree, the first time in five decades.
The Jamboree was held from 28 November to 3 December with National Scout Organization of Thailand as host in cooperation with the ASEAN Scout Association for Regional Cooperation (ASARC) and in conjunction with the 86th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Main activities were Messengers of Peace, Community Development, ASEAN Development Village, ASEAN Peace Circle, ASEAN Tournament and Hiking. Several special and free time activities were offered. Ms Sorsawan Ho, Chairman of Young Adults Members Group (YAMG) composed the Jamboree song entitled “Gathering for Peace.”
There were two parts of the opening acara. First part was the ceremonial opening where Mr Chaturon Chaisang, Minister of Education and Chairman of the NSOT Executive Board was the Guest of Honor and Speaker. Second part was the official camp opening by APR Chairman Dr Chao Shou-Po and Dr Sharom, ASARC Chairman.
Asia-Pacific Region was also represented by Regional Director JR Pangilinan, RSC members Janaprith Fernando, Wendel Avisado and Dr Azrul Azwar; Chairman of Adult Resources Rajalingam Ramasamy; Member of Financial Resources Sub-Committee Danilo Asiaten; ASARC Chairman Dr Sharum Bin Osman; APR Consultant Prakorb Mukura and Chairman of the YAMG Sornsawan Ho.


Source: //scout.org

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