Monday, May 20, 2019
“Having lived the scout experience to the full during my early formative years, it captured my imagination and endowed me with skills. These pointed me in directions I had not thought about in which I faced up to challenges and derived satisfaction.”
José Gabriel Criollo
Lawyer with nearly twenty years of experience in the practice of law and twelve in the area of private security, currently engaged in the design, implementation and evaluation of polygraph tests. Scout since he was 9 years old.
Diploma in Strategic Project Management Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Vzla. 2010-2011
Master of Environmental Management Institute Polytechnic University of the armed forces. Ccs., Vzla. 1996-1998
Attorney Andres Bello Catholic University, Caracas, Vzla. 1987-1992.
“I like being part of a large team as well as coordinating groups to achieve objectives. I have the necessary vision to design and employ skills to evaluate the long and short term benefits of the Youth Programme ; I am convinced the Scout Movement is the most appropriate non formal type of education and I want to contribute so that it reaches out to the youth of our region.”
Mauricio Veayra
Studied at the University Chapingo, Chapingo State of Mexico. 1985 - 1991
Forest Engineer in Forestry Oriented.
He was National Commissioner for Youth Programme in the Scout Association of Mexico, from 2004 to 2010. Among the most relevant functions carried out were the adaptation of the Youth Program to the national context to make it more attractive and higher quality for youth in Mexico, producing basic literature and Youth Programme support, management of national activities, coordinating the work of the national subcommittees, training in Youth Program the regional teams. Consultant in Educational Methods for the Scout Association of Ecuador since October 2010.
“I believe that having already experienced what life has to offer in three sectors (private, public and nongovernmental), I now have the necessary skills to observe and evaluate situations from different perspectives with a view to deriving solutions and strategies as required by a particular situation.”
Ralf Dillmann Trau
Electronics Engineer from Universtity of Santo Tomás in Colombia. External Consultant in youth development for National Government of Colombia. National Director of Adult Resources for the Colombian Scout Association from 2002 to 2003 and from May 2009 to today. Qualified Adult Trainer. Experienced in Strategic Planning and in designing, assembling and executing projects. Competent in computing, webpage management and audio and video systems. He has been member of the Scout Movement since the age of nine and have held different responsibilities within Colombian Scout Movement. He has developed materials for training of adults within the Scout Movement and he has provided a number of courses.
Lawyer with nearly twenty years of experience in the practice of law and twelve in the area of private security, currently engaged in the design, implementation and evaluation of polygraph tests. Scout since he was 9 years old.
Diploma in Strategic Project Management Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Vzla. 2010-2011
Master of Environmental Management Institute Polytechnic University of the armed forces. Ccs., Vzla. 1996-1998
Attorney Andres Bello Catholic University, Caracas, Vzla. 1987-1992.
Mauricio Veayra
Studied at the University Chapingo, Chapingo State of Mexico. 1985 - 1991
Forest Engineer in Forestry Oriented.
He was National Commissioner for Youth Programme in the Scout Association of Mexico, from 2004 to 2010. Among the most relevant functions carried out were the adaptation of the Youth Program to the national context to make it more attractive and higher quality for youth in Mexico, producing basic literature and Youth Programme support, management of national activities, coordinating the work of the national subcommittees, training in Youth Program the regional teams. Consultant in Educational Methods for the Scout Association of Ecuador since October 2010.
Ralf Dillmann Trau
Electronics Engineer from Universtity of Santo Tomás in Colombia. External Consultant in youth development for National Government of Colombia. National Director of Adult Resources for the Colombian Scout Association from 2002 to 2003 and from May 2009 to today. Qualified Adult Trainer. Experienced in Strategic Planning and in designing, assembling and executing projects. Competent in computing, webpage management and audio and video systems. He has been member of the Scout Movement since the age of nine and have held different responsibilities within Colombian Scout Movement. He has developed materials for training of adults within the Scout Movement and he has provided a number of courses.