Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen as Honorary Protector of Roverway 2012

The Honorary Protector for Roverway 2012 is the Prime Minister of Finland, Jyrki Katainen. Last summer, Prime Minister Katainen visited the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Rinkaby, Sweden, with his colleagues Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden and Lars Lökke of Denmark.

At the Jamboree, Katainen said he greatly respects the values represented by scouting such as internationality, tolerance, responsibility and environmental sustainability. These values are central to Roverway 2012 with its educational objectives of ”understanding self, understanding others, understanding society and understanding nature”.
Prime Minister Katainen himself has a scouting background: in his youth, he was a patrol leader in his local group, Kuilun Pojat of Siilinjärvi.


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