Voices of Youth

© Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C.
/ World Scout Bureau Inc. 2012Did you know that during the dunia launch of UNICEF's State of the World's Children Report 2012 in Mexico there were 2 youth reporters?
Seventeen year old Scouts Diana Carrillo and Luis Felipe Campos from Asociación de Scouts de México were the youth journalists from Voices of Youth during the visit of UNICEF's Executive Director, Anthony Lake, to Mexico on 28th February 2012. Read more to know about these two Scout journalists.
Diana Carrillo Tiburcio (17); Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Diana is currently studying her last semester of High School in Guadalajara, Jalisco. She has been an active member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement since she was seven years old, and has participated in events and initiatives at local, national, and international levels. At local level, she has developped various environmental projects including the rehabilitation of a natural reserve dedicated to receiving monarch migratory butterflies. In 2011 she founded the National Venture Scout Network (youth 14 to 17 years old) when elected by youth Scout representatives from all the country as the National Communicator. That same year, she was one of the two mexican delegates who actively participated in the first Jamboree United Nations Simulation during the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden, where more than 40,000 Scouts from over 140 countries attended. Diana aims to keep contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Developpment Goals through different projects in her community and through youth networks. She speaks fluently Spanish, English and French, and enjoys practicing Volleyball with her friends.
Luis Felipe Campos Ramírez (17); Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
Luis Felipe is currently studying 4th semester of High School in Leon, Guanajuato. He has been an active member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement since he was twelve years old, and was elected in February 2012 by youth Scout representatives from Mexico as the Coordinator of the National Venture Scout Network (youth 14 to 17 years old). Luis Felipe is currently developing a project to support a school in his community and promoting an active dialogue about peace and sustainability among young people. He is interested in music, arts, media and theatre. Luis Felipe has played the base in the Children and Youth Orchestras of Guanajuato.
Follow the stories and comments of Diana and Luis Felipe during the launch of UNICEF's State of the World's Children Report 2012, Children in an Urban World.
Facebook: www.fb.com/voicesofyouth Twitter: www.twitter.com/voicesofyouth #SOWC2012 Blog: www.voicesofyouth.org
How much do you know about the different realities that children face in the cities of the world? Read the below report to know more.
The State of the World’s Children 2012: Children in an Urban World (UNICEF)
Almost half the world’s children now live in urban areas; the report calls for greater emphasis on identifying and meeting their needs. Click here to download the report.

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