World Scout Committee and AsiaPacific Regional Scout Committee joint meeting in Jakarta concludes

Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports Affair, Hon. Roy Suryo welcomed the members of the World Scout Committee (WSC) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee (APRSC) in their first joint meeting at the Cibubur Scout Centre, Jakarta from 23rd to 24th March2019. WSC Chairman Simon Hang Bock Rhee and APRSC Chairman Dr Chao Shou-Po, including members of both Committees were all present.
The minister said the Indonesian government always considers the existence of Scouting very important especially in shaping the character of children and young people of Indonesia. He added that he was grateful to have the presence of Scout leaders from other countries to support and help Gerakan Pramuka in the development of Scouting activities in Indonesia, which the WOSM Secretary General Scott Teare and Regional Director Abdullah Rasheed both agreed. He recalled that Scouting came to Indonesia through the Dutch East Indies in 1912, and then the unification of various Scouting organizations into one Scout association, the Gerakan Pramuka today, in 1961.

Meanwhile, WSC Chairman Simon Rhee said that being the largest national Scout organization in the world, Indonesia can play a greater role in global Scouting activities. Simon also mentioned that the joint meeting of WSC and RSC meeting in Jakarka is very historical and hoped that the meeting will produce important decisions that will create progress on Scouting worldwide in line with the vision “creating a better world”. Regional Chairman Dr Chao Shou-Po echoed the same thing.
The joint meeting reviewed the key focus areas and presentations were made, highlighting the present work being undertaken at both levels. On the Asia-Pacific side, three papers were presented. RSC member Janaprith Fernando presented the regional strategy, Wendel Avisado on future plans and Shree Ram Lamichhane on the regional challenges. From the WSC side, presentations on four priority areas, work of other task teams and the current status of relocation of the central office were made.
Earth Hour celebration
On Saturday evening, 23 March, all members of WSC and RSC had a welcome dinner at the Office of the Minister of Youth and Sports, and joined the millions of Scouts in Indonesia and around the world, in celebrating the "Earth Hour2019" where they drew their own carbon footprint using candle light.
International Scout Peace Camp 
Taking advantage of the presence of the world and regional leaders in Indonesia, RSC member and GP Chairman Dr Azrul Azwar invited them to the International Scout Peace Camp (ISPC) being held at the Cibubur Scout Camping Ground, Jakarta until 31 March2019. Participants are divided into three sub-camps: Kampung Domba (Banten Province); Kampung Sukaratu (West Java Province) and Setu Babakan (Jakarta Province) with over 250 Rovers from all parts of Indonesia and over 100 Rovers from 25 National Scout Organizations within and outside Asia-Pacific. The peace camp is organized under Messenger of Peace initiative and a large focus is laid on peace dialogue and networking.
-- Berthold Sinaulan, APR Honorary Correspondent/WOSM Correspondent
Photo courtesy of the Public Relations Bureau, Gerakan Pramuka NHQ




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