1st World Jamboree 1920 Olympia London England part Vlll

1st World Jamboree, 1920
Olympia, London, England

The Chief Scout Presenting the Darewski Challenge Cup to Scotland
for the Best Spectacular Display
From: The Jamboree Book, 1920, Boy Scout Association
THE good this jamboree has done already to Scotland, and will do in the future, is beyond all calculation. All were dazed with the wonders of the week and the hopes for the future.
On July 28th the Scots came together from all parts of Scotland and met for the first time in the train. The train arrangements were perfect. On Sunday, August 8th, their special train left Richmond, amid wonderful scenes of brotherhood and enthusiasm. The skirl of the pipes still sounds in London's ears, and with it the young kilties have left nothing but good impressions.
At Richmond and in the arena their difficulties were overcome in a spirit well worthy of the occasion.
The Cup for the best display now stands decorated with many tartans, and proud they were to have won, but always as Scouts who gave cheers for the other side. As the Chief said: "All have done splendidly."


Not one of the contingent will forget their last Sunday with its National service at St. Columba's. The procession through the Park, in the sun, with the two winning pipe bands and the county flags, and 300 Scouts. The King's Flag borne by the 40th Glasgow and laid at the foot of the sacrament table, the thirty county flags, standing as an escort, remindful of the banners of the Thistle or St. George.
In all there were 345 lads from Scotland present. Scotland was represented by three flags, representing contingents from as far north as Orkney and Shetland and as far south as Berwick. Those taking part in the sports included 31 boys from Glasgow, 29 from Edinburgh, 15 from Renfrewshire, 22 from Stirling, 9 from Dumbarton, 18 from Aberdeen, and 20 from Fife. Most of the Scots were in kilts, and there were three pipe bands--from Greenock, St. Andrews, and Stirling respectively.
The King's Scout Flag was publicly presented to the Stepps troop on the last evening by the Chief Scout amid cheers, led by unsuccessful competitors.

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