The Jamboree Book 1920 1st World Jamboree Olympia England prat lll

The Jamboree Book, 1920
1st World Jamboree, Olympia, England

"Rule Britannia"
British Sea Scouts at the Jamboree.  Sea Scouts from England, Scotland, Ireland
and Wales march past Baden-Powell at the Opening Ceremonies.
From: The Jamboree Book, 1920, Boy Scout Association
Sea Scouts.
From: Boy Scout Association, The Jamboree Book, 1920
ANOTHER popular feature of the jamboree was the party of Sea Scouts who took part. These lads were splendid, although they were working in adversity most of the time.
To get the best out of anybody it is essential that he or she should work in his or her own element. For instance, we all know how helpless a fish looks when lying on dry ground; the same to some extent applied to the Sea Scouts at Olympia. They had to work out of their element.
The chief point that must have struck all who saw them was the fine type of lad that this branch of Scouting attracts. The Sea Scouts were a well set-up lot and in the Grand Procession, in which they had the honour of representing the United Kingdom, they always looked extremely well and got a well-deserved cheer from the spectators.
The only seaman-like turn that they were able to give was a life-saving rocket display. This was done by the Sea Scouts from Ireland and they did it remarkably well. Altogether 115 Sea Scouts lived for the week on board the training ship " Northampton," moored in the Thames near the Temple Pier.
Their mornings were occupied in boat races, the Dublin Sea Scouts eventually proving the winners after a close race with the Sea Scouts from the Tyne. The Sea Scouts have not lost heart by any means because they could not give what they call " a good show." On some future occasion they intend to have a Jamboree of their own in their own element and they then will be able to show the world what they can do.

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