The Jamboree Book 1920 1st World Jamboree Olympia England part Vl

The Jamboree Book, 1920
1st World Jamboree, Olympia, England

The Dublin Troop's Mascot
From: The Jamboree Book, 1920, Boy Scout Association

Photo: Lowell Smith
From: Boy Scout Association, The Jamboree Book, 1920

IRELAND was represented by about 50 Troops and packs as follows: Belfast, 240; Dublin, 220 (Richmond Camp); Dublin, 30 (Sea Scouts on Northampton); Dublin, 50 (quartered in London);
Galway, 9; Galway (Clifden), tiga; Holywood (Co. Down) 28; Wicklow, 11; Coolehill (Co. Down), dua' Donegal (Papher), 9: in all 602.
Dublin won the Bugling Competition, and Clifden won prizes for exhibits. Dublin arrived at Richmond Camp on Wednesday, July 28th, having travelled by L.N.W.R. Boats to Holyhead and then to Willesden where they changed for Richmond. Galway Scouts had to motor to Athenry before they could get a train for Dublin. Belfast came by Fleetwood and arrived Thursday, 29th, leaving again on Friday, August 6th, while Dublin remained until three days later.


It was unfortunate that those travelling from Dublin had to do so by night, as they could see nothing of the country. The Belfast contingent was luckier in this respect. All the journeys were carried out successfully and there were no casualties.
Endeavours had been made to get permission to use a battleship to take all Irish Scouts to London, but that fell through. In spite of the long journeys by train that some of the Scouts had to undergo they were all full of heart and it was difficult to get some of them home again. They would have liked to have stopped longer and seen more.

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