Sponge cake is a food that is always there in every banquet goodbanquet at the ceremony, birthday parties, weddings and other events spongebooth sellau enliven the banquet table. There are a variety of sponges there isa baked sponge there is also steamed cake. Of the two types of sponges that areavailable in various forms to suit your tastes and desires, because making foodis not only delicious at eating but it will also be delicious and eager toconsolidate. Well this time we akna together "make a rainbow cake warriwara or rainbo cake. Yes! His name is also a rainbow must be colorful.


Rainbow cake is a sponge that has different layered colors like a rainbow. 
Therefore, the rainbow cake becomes interesting and tempting to eat. 
Here's how to make a rainbow cake of steamed rainbow / cake for a serving of 
a large baking dish.
- Large steamed pot
- Mold / rectangle shaped
- Mixer or aduk-aduk machine
- Medium-sized baskon
- Lidi 1 bar
- Stove / fire
- Water for steaming
- eight chicken eggs
- 0.5kg of granulated sugar
- Wheat flour two glasses 100gr
- Vainili to taste
- Milk cans 1
- Food coloring as desired try bright colors (red, purple, green, young, blue, or pink).
- Butter or vegetable oil for baking sheet
- Heat a steamed pot;
- Prepare a basin;
- Break the egg into a basin and mix well with the aduk-aduk;
- Put granulated sugar, stir back;
- Put milk, stir back;
- Put the flour stirring back until the dough is evenly distributed;
- Separate the dough into several containers to be colored differently 
 as desired (example: 1 container of light green, 1 yellow container,
 1 green yellow container);
- Draw a pan using butter or vegetable oil until evenly distributed throughout 
 the baking sheet, this is done so that later the sponge does not stick on the 
 baking sheet and easily removed;
- Put the first color dough on a baking sheet and steam for up to 20 minutes 
 with a steamy heat;
- After the first layer of a ripe and cooked second color dough input, 
 do all the layered color into one after the steamed dumplings look 
 abrasive and tiak watery try puncture using the stick to ensure the steamed
 cake is cooked or not, if the stick is stabbed clean no sponge sticking 
 means your steamed bunu is cooked;
- Chill cakes;
- After the cold sponge, remove the sponge from the baking dish and cut 
 "square according to your salera;
- Bolu ready to eat.
How? Easy is not it? Good luck good luck,
 if anyone has a similar recipe please share well. 
Thanks for reading, 
see you the next post and do not remember to share.

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