15th Africa Scout Conference and 6th Africa Scout Youth Forum

15th Africa Scout Conference
The theme Scouting, a vehicle for the development in Africa
Venue: The event will be held at Futungo de Belas in Luanda, Angola.
Dates: From 06 t0 09 June 2012.
Participation fee: 150 USD
6th Africa Scout Youth Forum
The theme: Leaders of the Education for Life: Act Now!
Venue: The event will be held at the beautiful DREAM SPACE in Luanda.

Date: from 1st to 4th June 2012.
Participation fee: 100 USD

How to get visas
The Tourist Visa costs 70 USD.
If your country HAS NO Angolan Embassy, send us an email (kikasmax@gmail.com) with a copy of your passport.
If you have an Angolan Embassy in your country, to obtain the tourist visa you must present the following documents:
a) Duplicated form fully completed;
b) Two recent color passport photographs, size 4x5cm, with white background;
c) Passport recognized by the Republic of Angola;
d) International Vaccination Card.
e) Photocopy of airfare ticket to the Republic of Angola with return flight;
f) Proof of means of subsistence, under the Article 19 of Law 2/07, of 31 August.
After referring the application for a tourist visa, the Migration and Foreigners Service analyses and communicates the diplomatic and consular mission the final decision. The deadline for grating the tourist visa is five working days from the date of reception. The Diplomatic and Consular Mission issues the tourist visit, after seven working days, in case there is no answer from the Migration Service, must communicate that information within 24 hours.
1. All conference/forum participants will NEED to have a visa OR a Visa Letter before traveling to Angola.
2. Check whether you country has an Angolan Embassy. If so, you will need to Apply and get a visa endorsement before traveling.
3. Please apply on time. The application process may take more than a week.
NB: No one will be allowed entry without a visa.
SEND all queries and/or passport copies (In case there is no embassy in your country) to:
Telephone: +244924862402
For more details about the Angola visa please click here
For more details, please contact:
Or call:
+244923332835 (Benja)
+244924862402 (Kikas)

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