24th regional conference promises lasting experience


The 24th APR Scout Conference Organization Committee (COC) held its 3rd Preparatory Meeting at the Bangladesh National Headquarters in Dhaka on 10th September. The COC Chairman and Vice President of Bangladesh Scouts welcomed all members including the newly elected President of the Bangladesh Scout Council Md. Abdul Karim and International Commissioner Md. Mozammal Haque.

Mr. Karim, in his address, said "Bangladesh Scouts will do its best to make the Conference participants stay comfortable. We would like to use the opportunity to improve Scouting in numbers and strengthen the quality of Scouting in this country."

The meeting dealt with an exhaustive rencana with an ocular visit to the new conference venue - Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) – located in Dhaka. They found the meeting rooms and facilities very satisfactory.

For the educational tour, the host promises to make it memorable using the Jamboree-on-the train concept. Proposed tour destination is Sylhet, a major city and tourist attraction in northeastern Bangladesh. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills. The region is well known for its tea gardens and tropical forests, now becoming a centre for booming business. With two and a half hours train journey from Dhaka, participants will enjoy the view of the countryside. They will have opportunity to meet local Scouts and see stage shows by the local people.

Before the preparatory meeting, the 7th APR Scout Youth Forum Planning Committee met on 9th September, chaired by APR Program Sub-Committee Vice-Chairman Rajalingam Rajasamy. The committee welcomed the newly appointed Forum Director Shafayatul Islam Khan. The planning committee discussed how to generate discussion topics for the Forum using the social media and make it as lively and productive as possible.

After the planning meeting, Mohamed Maeed Zahir from Maldives, as the YAMG Chairman who will also be the Youth Forum Chairman, shared the relevant points to the preparatory meeting endorsing their proposal and timeline to achieve the lembaga objectives.

In addition to Mr. Rajalingam, are representatives from the regional office: Regional Director Abdullah Rasheed, Director for Development Support and Finance Mr. Prassanna and Youth Program Director Syd Castillo. Bangladesh Scouts International Commissioner, including the convenors and secretaries of various departments, gave updates on their areas. National Chief Commissioner Abdul Kalam Azad assured that conference arrangements will go as planned.


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