Earth Hour 2012 together with National Scout Association of Moldova

Where? Dendrarium Park
When? 31.03.
What? Earth Hour 2012

It was magical!
Together with our scout friends we celebrated on 31.03.12 Earth Hour in the middle of nature, candles and wonderful weather outside. It was just the perfect atmosphere to give tribute to nature by making out of candles the symbol of scouting and singing our national hymn of scouting.
Maria Bobeica, Head of Chisinau Branch: “We are the change! Each of us, I, You, all together. In this year, on 31st of March, once we turned off the light for an hour and turning off the electronic equipments which are not essential for existence, it’s just the right time to make a positive and deep change of our relationship to the environment.”
Cecilia Szely, volunteer Scouts et Guides de France: ”Cet évènement m’a donné envie de faire plus d’activité, de camper et de rester près d’un feu de camp à jouer et à chanter. Il m’a permit de voir que l’esprit scout était le même en France et à l’étranger.”
Cristina Vladicescu, rover:” Living an hour without electricity nowadays equals the feeling of surviving on an island after a crash, some years ago. The Earth Hour, is a very clever event, I’d say, it doesn’t only isolate you from the daily treadmill, but also gives you the chance to face your own fears, thoughts, but it’s much easier when you do it with your friends, even better with scouts. This year we decided to mark this event together, in the darkness and peaceful atmosphere of the local park, with the lighted candles, arranged in the form of Fleur-de–lis, symbol of worldwide scouting. It reminded me of common summer camps, in the middle of the forest. It was magic.”
Mihaela Staris, rover: “At the beginning we were just a few, but as stars appeared the atmosphere became really special: lot of nice people around, night, candles. We spent Earth Hour singing guitar and our favorite songs. All this remembered me of the scout camp and jamboree atmosphere. It was a great evening.”
Ana Chistol, rover: “It was a wonderful evening! I liked that we sang, we have meet new people, which were asking themselves at my back – “who are scouts?”, and I also liked the fact we had the responsibility to keep candles always on fire.”
Irina Zatica, scout leader: “On 31st of March I had the opportunity to express my affection to Terra, to meet nice people at the light of candles and not at the electricity light, I had the chance to be back to the roots, where man and nature used to be ONE.”
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