High level Korea Scout Parliamentarians meet Chairman Binay

A high level team of five Korean Scout Parliamentary members, accompanied by Korean Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines, met with Regional Chairman Jejomar C Binay in their special visit to the country.

In their meeting with the Vice-President, Honourable Chung briefed Binay on the success of the 6th General Assembly World Scout Parliamentary Union (WSPU), held in Korea early November 2010, where the Asia Pacific Region made a remarkable participation and also discussed of his intention of making WSPU more effective.

The inclusion of parliamentarians from the Asia-Pacific Region in the new WSPU Executive Committee is also notable. Besides WSPU President Chung Eui-Hwa, Hon. Shionoyo Ryu of Japan is Vice-President and Hon. Nappres Mandachitra of Thailand is member.

Asia-Pacific Region was represented by parliamentarians from ten countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Scouts of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Present at the opening were members of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee, together with key Scout officials such as the President of Brunei Darussalam Scout Council, the Chairman of the Scout Association of Japan and the National Secretary, and the new International Commissioner of Cambodia Scouts. The assembly also accepted the hosting of the 7th WSPU General Assembly in Japan in the early part of2019, the year when the Scout Association of Japan will host the 30th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree.

Sumber: scout.org

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