Indonesia Floods Tsunami & Volcanic Eruptions


In October 2010, one natural disaster after another hit different parts of Indonesia. First was a flash flood in Wasior District in West Papua Province. In collaboration with the local government, hundreds of Scouts mobilized to help the survivors. Then came the tsunami in West Sumatra Province. In response, Scouts and the local Indonesian Red Cross Society were among the first rescuers in the area. A third incident occurred when Mount Merapi in the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta erupted on 26th October. Within hours, the first group of Rovers arrived and brought survivors to temporary shelters. Setting camp at the foot of Mount Merapi, Scouts worked in rotation at the Shelters Kitchen serving food three times a day to over 1,400 survivors. Others were deployed at the community hospital and at the Children Trauma Healing Center, helping the children deal with their condition.

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