Indonesian Rovers work for clean and healthy environment
Monday, May 20, 2019
Rovers and leaders of Indonesia led a small village of Kukusan, Beji district, Depok, West Java to a healthy lifestyle and clean environment as their peace initiative in the Asia-Pacific under the banner of Messengers of Peace.
Scouts known as environment advocates, Gerakan Pramuka (GP) mobilise Scouts to be the bridge between community and the environment. Part of the effort of this peace initiative was street and river clean-up drive; house-to-house visitation to remind families on the importance of having clean facilities; washing hands and no smoking inside the house, among others.
National Commissioner Nuning Wirjoatmodjo said “If the community is aware of the present damage on the environment, recovery can be faster.” She shared that if every Indonesian citizen is aware on what is happening, the environment can be protected and damage could be reduced.
Out of the 15,000 population of Kukusan, 300 are children who are five years old below, prompting GP to bring health experts to conduct medical check-up both on the child and the mother, with Rovers assisting them.
Through this initiative, GP wanted Kukusan to live a clean and healthy lifestyle that will eventually lead them to develop an active healthy village.
“It is important not to be ambitious to do something big and never accomplish anything. It is better to start on something that we can achieve and finish till the end,” Commissioner Wirjoatmodjo said.
“It is important not to be ambitious to do something big and never accomplish anything. It is better to start on something that we can achieve and finish till the end,” Commissioner Wirjoatmodjo said.
Aris Setiawan said he was proud to be a Senior Rover because through Scouting, he has the opportunity to play an active role in society. “We know how important healthy environment is, and how this environment can be maintained by the community.”
When asked what MoP is? Project leader Mr Adi Pamungkas said “MoP is about caring Scouts who do activities to help society, whether in the field of health, or in any other field to live a cleaner and healthier environment.”
In a matter of six months, Kukusan is now a model community to live in.
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