Interactive workshop focuses on environment education

Wednesday 24 July2019Interactive workshop focuses on environment education

Fifty six participants from 15 National Scout Organizations participated in the regional workshop on Environment Education hosted by the Scouts of China in Fo Guang Shan Monastery at Kaohsiung, Taiwan, designed to be diverse and interactive using a unique approach as each day was tagged with a particular focus.

Theme of the workshop was ‘’Scout’s accountability to environment’’ while the aim of the workshop was to stimulate and bring the Scout leaders together to exchange ideas on environmental education and foster new working knowledge for the implementation of the World Scout Environmental Program (WSEP). This included review on the work undertaken among NSOs in implementing the WSEP, and enhancing their ability to provide sustainable and comprehensive environmental education acara.

The gathering had four-day duration from 3rd to 6th June, coincided with the World Environment Day on 5th June2019, where participants visited nature parks, coral reef preservation department and an aquarium. They also visited different city environment offices and department to learn more about their work on conservation preservation, protection and promotion of the environment. Concluding activity for that day was planting trees.

Present at the workshop was outgoing then Regional Director Mr Abdullah Rasheed and the current Regional Director Mr. J. Rizal C. Pangilinan who both actively managed the workshop, with the full support of Regional Chairman Dr Chao Shou-Po, also the Chief Commissioner of Scouts of China.

Overall the workshop was very interactive and was evaluated ‘excellent’. The next workshop is tentatively scheduled for June2019 in Adelaide, Australia.

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