Mauritius Scout Association MSA upgrades its headquarters

The Mauritius Scout Association recently inaugurated its newly refurbished headquarters: the 30-year-old Baden Powell House. The NSO’s building was renovated thanks to the Corporate Social Responsibility programme of the Mauritius Telecom Foundation.

The new facility now includes two rooms that can accommodate up to 60 people, a Scout shop, and an administrative block that houses the Executive Director’s Office.

The Minister of Youth, Devanand Ritoo, the Minister for Social Security, Sheila Bappoo and Chief Executive Officer, Mauritius Telecom, Mr. Sarat Lallah conducted a tour of the new headquarters in the company of other MSA officials.

Scouting in Mauritius will celebrate its centenary in 2012. This will be marked through a series of nationwide activities, including a national jamboree in November of that year.

Courtesy of MSA

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