The role of the Internet in the Development of Scout Training
Monday, May 20, 2019
In spite of the prevailing circumstances in the Arab Arena, 9 Arab Countries are represented in the Course namely; Jordan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco and Yemen.
The program included some important topics which assist in the use of the best and most up-dated pelatihan methods to enhance scout leaders' skills and competencies. These topics comprise the following:
- Creative thinking skills.
- Determination of training requirements.
- Experience exchange on the most effective use of pembinaan methods and tools.
- Development of leadership qualification schemes for various missions.
- Use of logical hierarchy in adopting a pelatihan program.
- Application of remote pelatihan in scouting.
- Trainer's personality (creativity – tongue and body language).
- How to prepare the pembinaan bag and acquire trainer's skills.
- How to attract others' attention and gain individuals' appreciation.
- Encouragement, persoalan solving and decision making.
- Fulfillment of needs and evaluation of pelatihan impact.
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