The role of the Internet in the Development of Scout Training

The Arab Scout Regional Office is organizing the "Course on the Development of Training Methods and Promotion of Trainers' Skills" which lasts from 1/7 to 7/7/2011 in Cairo International Scout Center.
In spite of the prevailing circumstances in the Arab Arena, 9 Arab Countries are represented in the Course namely; Jordan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco and Yemen.

The program included some important topics which assist in the use of the best and most up-dated pelatihan methods to enhance scout leaders' skills and competencies. These topics comprise the following:

  • Creative thinking skills.
  • Determination of training requirements.
  • Experience exchange on the most effective use of pembinaan methods and tools.
  • Development of leadership qualification schemes for various missions.
  • Use of logical hierarchy in adopting a pelatihan program.
  • Application of remote pelatihan in scouting.
  • Trainer's personality (creativity – tongue and body language).
  • How to prepare the pembinaan bag and acquire trainer's skills.
  • How to attract others' attention and gain individuals' appreciation.
  • Encouragement, persoalan solving and decision making.
  • Fulfillment of needs and evaluation of pelatihan impact.

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