Parliament of Ukraine Adopted the Resolution About the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Scout Movement

On November, 1st, 2011, during its plenary session the Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) adopted the Resolution “About the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Scout Movement”, initialized by National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine (NOSU).
The decision made by the highest legislative body of Ukraine will allow celebrating of this important event of Ukrainian scouting at the state level.
Historic information: The extension of scouting at the territory of Ukraine started after the establishment of first boy-scout troops in 1909 in Bakhmut (contemporary Artemivsk, Donetsk region), the Russian Empire, Plast groups at Western part of Ukraine and patrols of young scouts in Kyiv, Odessa, Ekaterynoslav (contemporary Dnipropetrovsk), Aleksandrivsk (Zaporizhzhya), Kharkiv, Zhytomyr in 1911.

The first Scout Oath in Ukrainian language was made in April, 1912, and during this year scout movement spread all over the territory of contemporary Ukraine.

(unofficial translation)
“About the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Scout Movement”
In 2012 it turns 100 years since the day of the establishment of formed Ukrainian scout movement.
Taking into account considerable contribution of scout organizations to National Renaissance of Ukraine, patriotic and educational activity for the benefit of Ukrainian people, the Parliament of Ukraine enacts:
  1. To celebrate 100th anniversary of Ukrainian scout movement solemnly at the state level
  2. To recommend the Government of Ukraine:
    to form organization committee responsible for preparation and conduction of events and activities during the celebration of 100th anniversary of Ukrainian scout movement within two weeks from the date of adoption of this Resolution;
    to work out and adopt a plan of activities of the celebration of 100th anniversary of Ukrainian scout movement and to resolve financial and logistical issues concerning the celebration within two weeks from the date of forming of organization committee.
  3. To recommend the State committee of television and radio of Ukraine:
    to organize thematic TV and radio programs, dedicated to the activity of Ukrainian scout organizations, to release a documentary movie, and provide media coverage of events, held during the celebration of 100th anniversary of Ukrainian scout movement;
    to prepare and publish materials about the history of the establishment of scouting in Ukraine.
  4. To propose Ukrainian State enterprise of postal connection “Ukrposhta” to issue a series of stamps, dedicated to 100th anniversary of Ukrainian scout movement.
  5. To impose the control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Parliament Committee on Cultural and Spiritual Issues and Parliament Committee on Issues of Family, Youth Policies, Sports and Tourism.
  6. This Resolution takes effect since the day of its adoption.
Speaker of the Parliament of Ukraine V. Lytvyn
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