TTL troops in India advance in Scouting in life

Scouts under the Ticket to Life (TTL) project in India are not just advancing in Scouting knowledge, but also in life.

Country Coordinator Surama Khadanga reported that the children and young people under the project are being equipped with skills to take care of themselves and getting involved in environmental activities, as well.
India, is one of the eight countries where TTL is operating since 2007. Today, it has five Scout troops in Orissa state. Scouts continue receiving skills in Scouting, the more they become excited to do it hands-on. Pioneering and first aid and competitions among patrols are their favorites. One prominent event Surama saw is that, the more they engage in Scouting – their singing, campfire, cultural shows, the more they are loving it.
For those who are in troop for a longer time and are more mature, they are now helping their Unit Leaders to help the new members.
Apart from the normal activities 5 troops distributed posters, produced placards, organized health camps in different campuses to promote regular hand washing, drinking safe water, proper garbage disposal, and health danger of mosquito bites as part of health awareness campaign. Scouts invited two doctors and four volunteers, while they took the work of maintaining patients’ attendance sheet and monitoring them.
During their hike they followed woodcraft sign, whistle signal, and administer first aid, collect firewood for cooking and also removed garbage as they walked through the hills.
To appreciate the value of earning money, Surama said that four Scouts after their vocational pembinaan in screen painting, tailoring, candle-making, cooking sweets and clay model, they also train others.

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