World Day against child labour 2019 fight against domestic child labour

On 12 June every year people around the world mark World Day against child labour (WDACL) join hands to raise public and political awareness to the campaign to build it to end. The theme of the WDACL2019 is child labour in domestic work. Yet once common World Scouting and International Labour Organization (ILO - United Nations), to organize activities and events to raise awareness and mobilize action around the world. The estimated 15.5 million children involved in paid or unpaid housework at the home of a third party or employer, are 10.5 million is expected to to be, because they are under the sah minimum age for admission to employment, or because their work as dangerous will be seen in child labour. These children are particularly vulnerable to abuse: their work is often hidden from the public eye, are isolated and they work far away from her family at home.

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