World Scouting Announces new Committee Chairpersons

With only 48 hours left of the 39th World Scout Conference, World Scouting undergoes changes that will define its leadership for the next tiga years. After the elections of 6 new World Scout Committee members on Wednesday, this morning, Rick Cronk current Chairperson of the World Scout Committee had the pleasure of announcing Mr Simon Rhee as Chairperson of the World Scout Committee.

Mr Rhee will start his term in office at the end of the 39th World Scout Conference as Mr Cronk steps down at the end of his term in office. He also announced John May and Wahid Labidi as the two Vice Chairpersons. We join with the World Scouting family to wish them a successful and fruitful term in office.

Mr Simon Rhee, Korea

Chairman, World Scout Committee, 2011-2014

Mr John May, United Kingdom

Vice Chairman, World Scout Committee, 2011-2014

Mr Wahid Labidi, Tunisia

Vice Chairman, World Scout Committee, 2011-2014


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