WSF Director amazed to see Scouts create many things from bamboo
Monday, May 20, 2019
He was welcomed by the Vice Governor of West Java Province who is also the Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka West Java Provincial Headquarters, Hon. Dede Yusuf.
Around the campsite, Scouts planted various species of bamboo seeds which are being chopped and brought to a factory inside the campsite area. Here, Scouts, ranging from 14 to 25 years old, are making bamboo crafts from woggle to different types of home furniture.
Project leader Fariana Riri Sastradiredja said “With this project, it is not only the Scouts learning and earning but also the people who live nearby.” Sastradiredja added that Scouts and the villagers have learned the many benefits of bamboo, how it can be used for many things, and how the products can be sold at a price much higher than selling bamboo poles.
Geoghegan said he was impressed to see Scouts use bamboo creatively while developing their entrepreneurial skills. Before the factory visit, Geoghegan went to the National Scout Competition at Mount Pancar, also in West Java, where he saw hundreds of participating Scouts lit candles forming the word P-E-A-C-E.
-- Berthold Sinaulan, APR Honorary Correspondent (Indonesia)