Jl. RE Martadinata 69 Yogyakarta Wirobrajan Tel . 0274 376691

The museum is located at the front of a hotel building was built on the initiative of the Society of Trustees Sekar Tri Lestari. He is Laksdya Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Army) Y. Didik Heru Purnomo and chairman of the Society of Ibu Endang Tri Lestari Sekar Wuryaningsih. The museum was inaugurated on April 25, 2009 by the mother Endang Wuryaningsih and Lanal Commander Yogyakarta. This is based on the establishment of maritime museum will sense the deep love of a native son who wants to share knowledge around the world of the Navy of the Republic of Indonesia. 

The building is visible from the front like a bridge of a warship ready to fight complete with swivel cannon muzzle, typical gray navy warship of the Republic of Indonesia complete with the red and white flags flutter. In front of the building which the shape of the bridge, on the ground floor is a room that plays audio visual documentaries on marine and the development of the Navy.

While the exterior display the ship's propeller is large enough, then there is a sea mine, torpedo and some collections. While at the rear of the building also consists of two floors, the first floor contains a collection of personal souvenirs from the countries that have been visited Laksda Didik Heru Purnomo while serving the country. On the second floor saved some interesting collections like, some replicas of warships of the Republic of Indonesia, radar navigation and various equipment in a warship, and the collection of considerable interest is a Russian-made torpedo reaches 7 meters in length.

With a complete and convenient facilities , such as the availability of souvenir shops, parking lots, restrooms were clean, and the hotel buildings blend with the museum, you will always be warmly welcomed at this place .

Open every Tuesday - Sunday at 08:30 to 15:30

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