The term bilingualism (English: bilingualism) inIndonesian is also called bilingualism. From the term literally can already beunderstood what is meant by bilingualism, that is with respect to the use oftwo languages or two language codes. Sociolinguistically, in general,bilingualism is defined as the use of two languages by one speaker inassociation with others in turn (Mackey 1962: 12, Fishman 1975: 73). To be ableto use two languages of course someone must master both languages. First, thelanguage of his own mother (B1), and another second language is the secondlanguage (B2). People who can use both languages are called bilingual people(in Indonesian also called dwibahasawan). While the ability to use twolanguages is called bilingrralitas (in Indonesian language also calledbilingualism).
some experts who explain the meaning of bilingualismor bilingualism.
One of them is Weinrich (Aslinda et al., 2007: 23), hementions bilingualism as 'The practice of alternately using two language', thehabit of using two or more languages interchangeably. In the use of two or morelanguages, if we see the sense according to Weinrich, speakers are not requiredto master both languages with equal fluency. This means that the secondlanguage is not mastered smoothly as does the mastery of the first language.however, the use of the secondlanguagemay be limited to use as a result of individuals familiar with the language.
Thegeneral concept that bilingualism is the use of two languages by a speaker: Thelevel of a person's ability of B2, bilingual uses both languages alternately,his B1 can affect his B2, or vice versa, his B2 can affect his Bl, Isbilingualism is it applicable to an individual?
In order to answer the first question, the extent towhich a person's mastery of B2 (B 1 certainly can be mastered well because itis the mother tongue) so that he can be called a bilingual, Bloomfield in hisfamous Language (1933: 56) says that bilingualism is " speakers to use twolanguages equally well. "So according to Bloomfild someone is called bilingualif it can use B1 and B2 with equally good degree.
With regard to the concept of bilingualism in relationto the use of B2, Diebold (1968: 10) mentions the existence of bilingualism inthe early stage (incipient bilingualism) that is bilingualism experienced bypeople, especially children who are learning a second language in the earlystages. Mackey (1962: 12) in Sociolinguistics (2010: 87) states thatbilingualism is the practice of using language alternately, from one languageto another by a speaker.
One can use B1 while being with the same speechcommunity as speakers. If the language speakers of Sundanese, then he willspeak Sundanese with the speech community who speak Sundanese. But in schooleducation even though the Teacher and the students are both B1 Sundanese theycan not use Sundanese, because Indonesian, also B2 for the Teacher and thestudent is a functional language for use in official state situations, such asteaching and learning process.
B1 can imply B2 or otherwise B2 affecting B1 this isabout fluency in both languages. How far the influence of B1 to B2 is dependson the degree of mastery of B2. Bilingual Sundanese speakers (B1) - Indonesian(B2) who lack the power of the Indonesian phonology system will pronounceIndonesian words / where /, / kata /, and / what / becomes / word? / and / how/. The possibility of B2 being able to affect B1 may occur if someone in thelong run does not use his B1, but continues to use his B2. Suppose anIndonesian bilingual speaker (B1) - inggeris (B2) for a long period of timeresides in an English monolingual tutor society, and has no chance of using hisB1. At a time when he has a chance to use his B1, his B1 will surely mix withB2-as far as the influence of English on the Indonesian language.
The bilingualism of a society speaks,according to Oksaar (1972: 478) in Chaer (2010: 91) argues that languagebelongs not only to individuals, but also to groups. Because the language isits use is not limited to individual denagn individual, but used as a means ofcommunication between groups. In fact, the language is not just a means ofcommunication, but also as a class identity Chaer (1994) in Chaer (2004: 91)example given Wolf is like in Montreal, Canada. There English and Frenchlanguage are used side by side and parallel. And almost all members of thecommunity in that area have both languages well.
According to Nababan (1984: 10) in the spark of OdienRosidin (2004: 183) bilingual is a term whose meaning is nisba (relative). Theconcept of bilingualism always changes from time to time (Soewandi, 1995: 7)the term has long been placed on individuals who master both languages equallywell. According to Nababan (1964: 27), as quoted as follows.
If we see aperson using two languages in association with others, he is bilingual in thesense that he executes bilingualism that we shall call bilingualism. Sobilingualism is the habit of using two languages in interaction with others.
In theLinguistic Dictionary (Kridalaksana, 1982: 25) it is argued that bilingualismis the use of two or more languages by speakers of the language or by alinguistic society. In other words, the habit of using two or more languages inbilingualism applies to individuals as well as to social groups.

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