Regional planning for the next triennium takes shape

The joint strategic rencana lembaga of all sub-committees of the Asia Pacific Region took place at Sriracha, Chonburi Province in Thailand, from October 20-21, 2011. First Vice-Chairman of the APR Scout Committee, Dr. Mohammed Mukhyuddin bin Sarwani, who officially opened the forum said that this is the largest gathering of all sub-committees, with over 60 members in attendance, for a regional planning exercise for the triennium 2012-2015. The Regional Scout Committee is expected to meet subsequently to review the conclusions of the lembaga.
Dr. Mukhyuddin Sarwani said, “The Forum gives an opportunity for each member to contribute not only to his or her sub-committee work but to other areas, hence the avoidance of any overlapping and the duplication of sub-committee work. He stated that membership growth is the goal for the coming triennium, as decided by the APR Scout Committee. The sub committees also discussed the best mode of delivering support to National Scout Organizations through the synergy among all sub-committees.
Regional Scout Committee Nicholas Tang presented the APR Strategic Planning framework and explained the system loops, key leverages and the interaction between sub systems. He highlighted the Regional Vision 2020 which was agreed at the APR Scout Leaders Summit in Bangalore in 2010, which is “ By 2020, Scouting in the Asia-Pacific Region is recognized as the preferred and leading educational youth movement offering relevant programme in all segments of society”.
Nicholas Tang said that “Membership growth is not only the outcome of marketing, branding, or publicity material alone. Membership growth is the key result of other factors, such as the quality of the programme, the quality of leader pelatihan, and effective management among others,”.
After the presentation, each Subcommittee worked on their focus areas for 2012-2015. Each sub-committee fine-tuned the strategic statements and drafted the objectives, related activities and the timelines. The five priority areas for the coming triennium 2012-2015 as decided by the Regional Scout Committee are Young people, Adults, Management, Financial Resources and Scouting Profile.
The Forum is also attended by member of World Scout Committee, Eric Khoo, Second Vice-Chairman of the APR Scout Committee, Prakorb Mukura, together with the Regional Director, Abdullah Rasheed together with other executives of the Asia Pacific Regional office.
-- Berthold Sinaulan, APR Honorary Correspondent

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